Family Physician improved the interactions with patients and completes his documentation on the fly

Kristoffer Crawford, M.D. is a Family Medicine Physician and the Head of the Family Medicine Department, Kanad Hospital, United Arab Emirates.

He has been using PhraseExpander since 2020.


  • A significant portion of the EMR is free text and requires a lot of time and work to be completed.
  • Common IT solutions are disconnected from real clinicians’ needs.

How that was solved

  • PhraseExpander is designed to help clinicians complete the documentation on the fly.
  • Prepopulated text and easily customizable templates allow you to complete the note by typing a few keystrokes.


  • PhraseExpander facilitates high-quality documentation while improving provider-patient interaction.
  • When the patient leaves, the documentation is done.
  • The improved workflow takes the edge off and reduces physicians’ burnout.