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 PhraseExpander 5 Manual

Navigation: Designing templates > Variables

Insert a variable

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Available in PhraseExpander Professional

To insert a new variable

1.In the Design tab, click on the Variables dropdown

2.Choose either New fill-in or New container to create a new variable
The variable creation window is displayed

3.Fill in the appropriate information and click OK
PhraseExpander will create the variable and add the insert a variable placeholder in the template


Automatically populating a new variable based on the selection

If you have created a template with text placeholders, you can take prepopulate the default values of the fill-ins.

Select the text and follow the procedure shown above in To insert a new variable.

Based on the text selection and the type of variable you want to create, PhraseExpander will perform the following actions.

1.Text variable: the selected text is inserted as the contents of the newly created text variable

2.Fill-in variable: PhraseExpander either creates a Text fill-in or List fill-in variable based on the following criteria:

a.if the selected text is in the format [op1] [opt2] [op3] or contains any of the following characters ;,/| or newline, PhraseExpander will split the selection and pre-populate the predefined values of a List fill-in

b.if none of those conditions are met, PhraseExpander creates a Text fill-in and uses the selected text as the description


To insert an existing variable

1.In the Design tab, click on Variable (or right-click in the editor and choose Variables)

2.Click on Browse
The browse dialog is displayed and you can select the variable to enter

3.Once you have selected the variable name, click OK to confirm
PhraseExpander will create the variable and add the insert a variable placeholder in the template


Insert existing variables by typing {{ in the editor, through variable autocompletion

1.Type {{ in the Editor to show the autocomple list of all the available variables
PhraseExpander displays the list of available variables

2.Select the variable from the dropdown either typing more characters or using the arrow keys

4.Press the ENTER key to confirm
PhraseExpander will insert the variable placeholder into the document

5.Once you have selected the variable name, click OK to confirm
PhraseExpander will create the variable and add the insert a variable placeholder in the template

Variable autocompletion in action

Variable autocompletion in action


PhraseExpander can adapt the case of the variable when inserted into the document.

If you don't want the variable to generate any output (but you only need it to execute macros) check the suppress output option when inserting the variable placeholder.


NOTE: you can insert both variables defined in the template or defined in other templates. In the latter case, you need to add a reference to the template containing the variables you want to include.

Created with Help & Manual 7 and styled with Premium Pack Version 3 © by EC Software