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 PhraseExpander 5 Manual

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Update variable

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This macro dynamically updates or creates a new variable.

You can also use it to create a counter that is incremented every time the macro is called.


To store a piece of data in a variable

1.In the Design tab click on Data > Update variable
PhraseExpander opens the Update variable macro window with the selected text already inserted in the contents


Create a counter with the update variable macro.

Create a counter with the update variable macro.


You can customize the Update variable macro through the following options:

1.Assign value: select this option if you want to assign a value to a variable

2.Append text: if this option is selected the contents will be appended to the variable (instead of replacing the existing contents)

3.Contents: the text that will be stored in the variable. This can be plain text but it can also include other macros and variables (accessible by the context menu)

4.Increment: if checked, it increments the variable by that value (you can use both positive and negative numbers and decimals). You can also use macros here.

5.Minimum number of digits: the minimum number of digits displayed (zeros will be prepended if needed).

6.Variable name: the name of the variable that will be updated. The variable name is case insensitive, so gender, Gender, GENDER will all work. If the variable doesn't exist it's automatically created.




{#update contents -[name][append][inc][digits]#}


contents: the data that will be stored in the variable (or the increment, if the [inc option is used]

[name]: the name of the variable to update

[append]: if set to 1, the contents are appended to the current value of the variable

[inc]: if set to 1, the variable will be incremented/decremented by that value contained in the contents

[digits]: the minimum number of digits displayed (zeros will be prepended if needed). This is used only if the counter option is present


Example 1: updating the value of a variable (with the current date)


{update {#date#} -[name=today]#}



the variable called today now contains the current date.



Example 2: creating a counter


{#update 2 -[name=mycounter][inc=1]#}



a new variable called count is updated (or created) every time the macro is executed (inside the same template); it will increment the variable by one units (starting from 2). To display any output, you need to call the variable (e.g. {{mycounter}}


NOTE: the variable is reset at each template execution. If you want to reuse the value over different executions, you have to use the Set contents macro.

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