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To open the Options window, General tab

1.From the main window File menu, select Options.
The Options dialog opens.

2.Click on the General tab.




Start with Windows

Start PhraseExpander with Windows. PhraseExpander sits in the notification area, monitoring key presses to detect phrases and autocorrects.

Automatically check for updates

PhraseExpander will automatically check for updates and display a message when they are available.

Hide splash screen

If checked, hides the splash screen that is displayed when PhraseExpander starts.

Show the last opened databases

Select the number of the most recently opened databases to display.

Confirm phrase deletion

asks for confirmation when a phrase or autocorrect is deleted

Confirm data source update

asks for confirmation when updating the data source (only for glossaries connected to a data source).




PhraseExpander can display a notification when any of these events occur:


Notify on phrase or autocorrect execution: displays a notification window when a phrase or autocorrect is executed.

Play sound on execution: plays a sound when a phrase or autocorrect is executed.

Notify when PhraseExpander is minimized to tray: displays a notification window when PhraseExpander is minimized to the tray area.

Notify when adding/editing phrases: displays a notification window when editing or adding a new phrase / autocorrect by keyboard shortcut

Notify when PhraseExpander cannot detect typed keystrokes: displays a notification window when PhraseExpander cannot detect typed keystrokes in the current application (e.g. when the current application is in the Ignore list or has higher privileges).

Phrase creation

Use plain text as default

When checked, PhraseExpander will remove formatting when creating a new phrase (by key combination - default: CTRL+SHIFT+W)


Autoassign abbreviation

Assign an abbreviation when creating a new non-empty phrase.


Max length of the abbreviation (char)

Maximum length of the abbreviation when it's autoassigned by the application.


Use whole word

If the phrase is a single word, PhraseExpander will create an abbreviation that is equal to the word. This allows word autocompletion. This option makes sense only if SmartComplete is enabled.

Displayed name in Linked Glossaries

Choose the name that is displayed in Linked Glossaries when sending changes. This will be displayed to the users connected to a shared glossary.

Send anonymous usage statistics

Send anonymous information about how much you are using PhraseExpander (no personal data are ever transmitted to the Nagarsoft server).