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 PhraseExpander 5 Manual

Navigation: Designing templates

Working with templates

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Templates list

An overview of each phrase is shown in the templates list.

The templates list

The templates list


From there you can see:

-Description: the description of the template (if no description is assigned, PhraseExpander will assign a default one).

-Abbreviation: the abbreviation associated to the template to quickly recall it

-Shortcut: an optional keyboard shortcut associated to the template

-Id: this is a unique identifier of the template. This is used when you need to reference a template from another template

-Parent: the name of the glossary/group containing the template

-Last used: the date/time when the template was last used

-Changed: the date/time when the template was last changed


Operations on the templates can be performed by selecting one or more templates and either right-clicking on the template, or selecting the Templates Editing > Design ribbon tab and choosing the required option.


Customizing the displayed columns

1.Right-click on the column header or on the Show column button change-columns
The menu with the list of columns is displayed

2.Click on any item to hide / display the associated column


Showing / hiding the templates stored in child groups

PhraseExpander can display in a single view the templates contained inside all the groups that belong to the selected glossary or group. You can toggle this setting by clicking on the Show templates in child groups


Moving templates between glossaries and groups

Templates can be moved between glossaries and groups by dragging and dropping them from the source glossary to the target glossary, or by right-clicking on an item and selecting the Move to button and choosing the desired glossary/group.


NOTE: to add a new template, you can double-click on an empty area of the templates list.


Editing templates

You can edit your templates in the Quick edit window (for fast edits) or in the template editor (ideal when you need to work with more than one template at the same time or build articulated templates)

Created with Help & Manual 7 and styled with Premium Pack Version 3 © by EC Software