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 PhraseExpander 5 Manual

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To open the Options window, Execution tab

1.From the main window click on File > Options.
The Options dialog opens.

2.Click on the Execution tab.




Sending text by

Using the Clipboard

Text is sent using the CTRL+V shortcut, simulating a clipboard paste.


Direct typing (simulate keystrokes)

Text is sent character by character, sending simulated keystrokes to the destination application.
If you are experiencing problems (all the text is copied on the same line), uncheck the Send New Line as LF option.


Use clipboard if text exceeds N characters

When active, PhraseExpander uses the clipboard when the text is longer than N characters. This will help improve the performance of text insertion considerably.


Use Clipboard if text contains multiple lines

When active, PhraseExpander uses the clipboard to insert text that contains more than the specified number of lines (this results in a faster text insertion than with the direct typing method if the text is long). The value can be between 2 and 15.


NOTE: sending text using the Clipboard is generally faster if the text is long.

Compose email

Options for composing emails (Send email macro):


Use "mailto:" to compose emails

When checked, PhraseExpander uses the "mailto:" protocol to open your default email application. Leave it unchecked if you are not experiencing problems. By default, PhraseExpander uses MAPI to connect to your email application: this method is more reliable and allows to send attachments.


Connect directly to Microsoft Outlook

If Microsoft Outlook is the default email program, PhraseExpander connects to Outlook directly to compose emails. If the option is checked, you can prepare formatted emails that contain rich text and pictures.

Include font information
(rich text to HTML conversion)

PhraseExpander, when executing a template with rich formatting, creates an HTML version of it, specifically tailored to be used in web applications (or other applications like email clients that require HTML formatted templates). You can customize how the HTML conversion is executed. The default settings will work in most scenarios.

Font family: determines if the font family information is inserted into the generated HTML

Only if different from the default settings (default): the font family information will be set only if it's different from the the default value (specified in the Default font for rich text setting). If you don't specify a font, the default font of the target application will be used. If you choose a specific font, that information will be included in the HTML. This setting shall work in most scenarios.

Always: the font family information is always inserted.

Never: the font family information is always stripped out of the generated HTML.

Font size: determines if the font size information is inserted into the generated HTML

Only if different from the default settings (default): the font size information will be set only if it's different from the the default value (specified in the Default font for rich text setting). If you don't change the size  of the text, the default font size of the target application will be used. If the font size differs from the default one, that information will be included in the HTML. This setting shall work in most scenarios.

Always: the font size information is always inserted.

Never: the font size information is always stripped out of the generated HTML.


PhraseExpander can automatically correct:

Double UPpercase at the beginning of a word

Forgotten CAPS LOCK


Check how you can create exceptions

Adapt template casing to typed abbreviation

When checked, PhraseExpander adapts the case of the template to be inserted to the case of the typed abbreviation.


For example, if you have set up a template thank you with abbreviation thy, here are the different results you get according to the case of the typed abbreviation.


1.No case change: thy expands to thank you

2.Sentence case: Thy expands to Thank you

3.Uppercase: THY expands to THANK YOU

4.Title case: ThY expands to Thank You


Options 1-4 work with plain text templates

Options 1-3 work with autocorrects as well

Smart spacing

PhraseExpander can automatically add a space when it feels it's appropriate after you have expanded a template. This will make transcription jobs faster, as you don't have to type the space character after expanding a word or sentence.



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